6’2 Productions


Opt In: An AI Trilogy explores the spectrum of humankind’s adaptability in a world where participating in the use of modern technology comes at the cost of ones own autonomy. 6’2 Production’s micro short trilogy observes and participates with its five characters and how they acclimate to living in or out of a world where the scale of opting in means relinquishing the right to privacy or silently witnessing the rest of humanities choice to opt in.

The Opt In trilogy series functions as three separate storyline perspectives into the same world, while the film in total serves as a concept piece representing a longer form limited series.

Part l

Starring Kate McLeod as Beth

Part ll

Starring Jason Veasey as Jay & Morgan Siobhan Green as Cleo

Part lll

Starring Zuleyma Guevara as Pat & Rob Glauz as Paul

Opt In episodes are not available to the public yet.

Stay tuned for upcoming exclusive festival screening announcements.